Alternatives Congress Trust Board Members
To educate scientists and the public regarding, and to promote wider application of, alternatives to the use of animals in scientific research.
With our combined expertise in the 3Rs, life sciences (toxicology, regulatory testing, and biomedical research), education, welfare and bioethics as well as our experience in organizing large international conferences, we hope to make this event a memorable experience for you!
International Scientific Advisory Committee
A diverse community composed of academics, regulators, ethicists, policy makers, industry, and non-profits to deliver the best programming for WC12.
Nicole Kleinstreuer
Director, NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods, USA
Joao Barroso
Scientific Officer at EURL ECVAM
European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods, Italy
Claus-Michael Lehr
Professor-Saarland University, Cofounder/Head of the department “Drug Delivery” at Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research, Germany
Suzanne Fitzpatrick
Senior Advisor for Toxicology
Food and Drug Administration, USA
Hajime Kojima
Secretary General of JaCVAM
The Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, Japan
John Gluck
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
University of New Mexico, USA
Sue Marty
Toxicology Science Director
Dow Chemicals, USA
Susanna Louhimies
DG Environment, European Commission
European Commission, Belgium/Luxembourg
Ja-Young Jeong
Director, Korean Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, South Korea
Arianna Giusti
Scientific Manager, Cosmetics Europe, Belgium
Anna Lowit
Senior Science Advisor
United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA
Gerry Kenna
Drug Safety Consultant
Safer Medicines Trust, England
Jason Ekert
Senior Director and Head of Complex In Vitro Models
GlaxoSmithKline, England
Suresh Poosala
Founder and Lead, Preclinical Research and Discovery Biology
Oncoseek Bio, India
Kristie Sullivan
Vice President of Research Policy
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, USA
Fiona Sewell
Head of Toxicology, National Centre for the Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement of Animals in Research (NC3Rs), United Kingdom
Gareth Sullivan
Group Leader, Norwegian Stem Cell Centre at University of Oslo, Norway
Aysha Akhtar
President and CEO, Center for Contemporary Sciences, USA
Brett Lidbury
Associate Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Public Health, Australia
Irene Manou
Scientific Director
European Partnership for Alternatives to Animals
Mathieu Vinken
President of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro,
Vrije Universiteit, Belgium
Tharanga Thoradeniya
Senior Lecturer at University of Colombo
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Jose Granjeiro
Professor Adjunto
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Julia Fentem
Vice President-SEAC at Unilever
Safety & Environmental Assurance Centre, United Kingdom
Clemens Wittwehr
Competence Group Leader at the European Commission
European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods, Italy
Danilo Tagle
Associate Director for Special Initiatives
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, USA
Amy Clippinger
Director PETA Science Consortium International
Malcolm Wilkinson
CEO Kirkstall Ltd, Non Executive Director
Kirkstall Ltd. Biotechnology company, UK
Gavin Maxwell
Industry Co-Chair
European Partnership for Alternatives to Animals
Helena Kandarova
President at the European Society of Toxicology in Vitro ESTIV, Centre of Experimental Medicine, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Octavio Presgrave
Toxicologist at INCQS/Fiocruz
Brazilian Center for Validation of Alternative Methods, Brazil
Sandra Coecke
Head ECVAM In-house Validation and Training laboratories & Team Leader & EU-NETVAL Coordinator, ECVAM, Italy
Janny van den Eijnden
Managing Director, Institute for human organ and Disease Model Technologies, Netherlands (WC11 co-chair)
Anne Gourmelon
Principal Administrator,
OECD Test Guidelines Program
Pinpin Lin
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Harald Schlatter
Director, Scientific Communications & Animal Welfare Advocacy
Procter & Gamble
Stephane Dhalluin
Senior Cosmetic Product Safety Assessor
Horst Speilmann
Secretary General, EUSAAT European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing